Insights on markets, emergent trends, history, innovation, risk management, global economics, strategy, policy, and other topics that catch our attention. Inspired by ongoing research, conversations and events. Written and edited by Osbon Capital Management and published every Thursday morning.

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Cost of College: Realistic Savings for Tuition

We all know college costs a fortune, and many parents would rather leave it at that. But to get a realistic handle on how much you need to save for tuition, you have to get into the real numbers. This terrific calculator developed by Max Osbon will help you quantify the challenge ahead and determine how much to put away…

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Introducing Osbon Labs

By Max Osbon Since joining Osbon Capital in May one of my top priorities has been to streamline our operations and workflow, including our public face, our website.  I am pleased to announce our newly redesigned site What will you find there? Not just information, but investment insights, delivered in an engaging interactive, graphics-based format. Highlights: Interactive – On…

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How much have you been paying to own your cash?

By Max Osbon Whether you intend it or not, holding cash is a direct investment decision. And just like real estate, gold, fixed income, and equity markets, cash is an investment that provides compensation for the associated risks. How are you being compensated for risking your money in a cash investment? It may seem like the compensation for holding cash…

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Trash as fuel, flying robots and happiness….TEDx 2013 in Boston

For the fifth year, Fidelity sponsored TEDxBoston, an event “catalyzing innovation by sharing ideas with citizens around the world.”  I think I speak for everyone there last week when I say that the TEDx speakers are an impressive group.  Most of us, I believe, were positively overwhelmed by the creativity, boldness, drive and vision of these Boston locals. The event’s speakers are “luminaries who hail from…

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Market timeless, not market timing

It’s a classic investor dilemma. You’re holding cash that you’d like to invest. But the market is at or near an all-time high.  You don’t want to buy at the top – no one does – but how long should you wait before investing the cash?   You shouldn’t wait at all.    Cash is not an investment since it…

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Twenty in a row. Now what?

The Dow Jones Industrial Average has been on a roll, making a gain of about 15 percent in last 6 months. Along the way it managed to gain ground on 20 consecutive Tuesdays. That’s an unprecedented streak of glory on a day of the week that rarely gets its due. But what does it mean? What it means, of course,…

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Never in America

Max Osbon is back in the US after a six month adventure that started in New Zealand and ended in Zambia. His final blog post features ill-intentioned baboons, bribery of border agents, and a safe return to the US. Experience his fascinating journey at    

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Have you ever seen a 100 trillion dollar bill?

Have you ever seen a 100 trillion dollar bill?  You will in a few moments, because no discussion of inflation is complete without it, and that’s this week’s topic. Prices go up. In the US, the things you bought in 1971 for $100 now cost $600. Well, some things – the legendary basket of goods that comprise the Consumer Price…

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Decathlon approaches; training continues

Max and I are halfway to our July  28th decathlon benefitting Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center. With so many events to prepare for, my training program involves anything I can do to make progress, at any time, anywhere. And Max has been training all over the world.

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