Insights on markets, emergent trends, history, innovation, risk management, global economics, strategy, policy, and other topics that catch our attention. Inspired by ongoing research, conversations and events. Written and edited by Osbon Capital Management and published every Thursday morning.

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Active Management Can’t Catch A Break

“Passive funds grow 230% to $6tn”. Attracta Mooney wrote that headline in the usual spare Financial Times fashion. This is just one more data point in the dramatic flow of assets from actively managed portfolios to index, aka passive, investment strategies. This seems to be happening even more quickly than the industry expected. Why? And what’s it mean for you?

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Two Things For Your Emergency Plan

This isn’t a fun topic but it’s one of those essential responsibility conversations. Emergency and contingency planning, aka estate planning, is something that most people prefer to put off. Procrastination can leave you and your family in a tough spot if an emergency strikes. It’s actually not a difficult process for most people, but the more money you have, the more complex it gets. Here is a simplified look for you:

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The Decathlon Comes to Boston

We all get involved in events, activities and causes that change lives, including our own. For Max and me, a prime example is The Wall Street Decathlon. Each summer we run, jump, throw, lift and more, all for charity. This year the event is going national, including a Boston edition. Here’s why we love it.

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A Family Advisory Firm Like No Other

It is very difficult and rare to be unique in the investment business. Copycats swarm most models and ideas, hoping for success. Nonetheless, Max and I met a unique firm at the Vanguard Conference The Future of Advice last month. We thinkRayLign is on to something valuable and want to spread the good word. What is RayLign doing that is different and better?

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Why We Use Fidelity

Quick, what’s the first question you should ask of a prospective investment advisor? Hint: not many people ask it. The question is “Where will my money be?” Or phrased another way: “Who is your custodian?” The answer matters. The custodian safeguards your assets, gets trades executed, keeps tax records, and does most of the invisible work behind the scenes to make sure your account holds what it should. We use Fidelity. Here’s why.

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State Street: Change is here, now

Local biggie State Street (STT) held its annual RIA Symposium last week, a must-be-there event for the industry. With $28 trillion (!) of assets in custody and $2.5 trillion under management, our One Lincoln Street neighbor is uniquely positioned to comment on what’s happening right now in money management. What I heard was good news for investors and confirmation of key principles we hold at Osbon Capital. Here are four takeaways:

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The Future of Advice

Vanguard was in town last week for a confab at the Langham Hotel. The discussion covered many topics but by far the most compelling subject was The Future of Advice. What did Vanguard say?

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Sell in May and Go Away: Mythbusters Edition

We’re talking about ye olde investor adage to sell out of your positions on the 1st of May and buy back on the 1st of November. The idea is to avoid losses during the supposed summer lull. That’s the intention. But remember Yogi Berra used to say: “The road to hell is paved with good intentions.” Was he right?

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Breakfast With Maura Healey, Massachusetts Attorney General

We occasionally write about important non-financial events in the public interest, like this one last week.

Thanks to PR industry leader Geri Denterlein for hosting our energetic attorney general for the Commonwealth, Maura Healey, at last week’s “In The News” breakfast series at the BC Club. An Osbon Capital client who is associated with Denterlein’s agency was kind enough to invite us and we were eager to hear what the chief law enforcer in Massachusetts law had to say.

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