Insights on markets, emergent trends, history, innovation, risk management, global economics, strategy, policy, and other topics that catch our attention. Inspired by ongoing research, conversations and events. Written and edited by Osbon Capital Management and published every Thursday morning.

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Are ETFs Dangerous?

A noisy group of over-regulators and stock pickers are braying that ETFs are, among other things, dangerous, flawed, and ruining the markets. With the market turmoil on August 24th these critics have gained some press traction. But are they correct? Let’s check the facts… Horses blame cars Those faulting ETFs for stock market problems are generally from one of two groups…

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Lifetime Employment

Does your investment advisor believe in lifetime employment in one place? This one does. The typical revolving door career path in wealth management rarely benefits the client. It often involves multiple moves from firm to firm, almost always for the purpose of higher compensation, followed by the sale of one’s book of business to another firm or another advisor. That…

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3 Steps That Simplify Your Investment Life

It happens every time. A new client entrusts Osbon Capital with investment management of all their accounts. The clients are smart, capable, successful people who expect the best for themselves. But when they show us all their accounts… they are a mess!  Here are the three most common scenarios we see and how to fix them. Stop the self-inflicted complication It’s…

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Could you turn $1M into $112M? Here’s how it was done.

Sounds improbable, doesn’t it? Sounds like you’d need to be Warren Buffett, get insider access to some secret investment vehicle or have an extraordinary amount of luck. No, no and no. All it took was an initial investment, discipline and patience. Here we go We’re all familiar with the S&P 500, the most popular and most vanilla index of them…

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3 Costly Biases and How to Beat Them

Have you ever made a big money decision that you regret? It happens to all of us. Like it or not, we come preloaded with a variety of biases, brain glitches that lead to bad decisions about money and other important issues. So how do we defend ourselves from ourselves? Start with this list of three cognitive bias traps. Once you recognize them…

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The 6 U’s Of Exceptional Service

When we buy products or pay for services we expect the best. When it comes to your money manager how do you know he/she is constantly striving to deliver the best for you, namely, value well in excess of cost? Are you getting everything you expect and deserve? Consider these six service situations as a test. Uncompromising standards Here’s how…

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Picassos In The Pileup?

Gold wants love, but gets none. Japan is dying for affection, but gets none. In recent weeks we’ve discussed these lonely asset classes and why they still belong in most portfolios. What’s next – and last – on the wallflower roster? Are there valuable assets here waiting to be scooped up while no one cares? Read on. Ugly ducklings Emerging markets…

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Market Plunge Exposes Your 6 Portfolio Danger Signs

Face it, the last ten days have been the opposite of benign for investors. An unprecedented three years without a 10% correction ended abruptly last week. What can you learn about your portfolio from the market swoon. Quite a bit, it turns out. Here’s your checklist. When we start working with new clients, we always take a close look at…

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The Unloved Part Two: Japan

Two weeks ago we talked about the four year 40 percent decline in gold, making it one of the world’s most thoroughly unloved asset classes. Gold’s big decline is a sure signal to rebalance. But gold’s not the only asset looking for love in all the wrong places. This week we have an even worse performance story: zero return after 25…

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