Investment Management

Weekly Articles by Osbon Capital Management:

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An Old School Melt-Up

Jeremy Grantham is well known as a value investor and a permabear. He buys only cheap value investments. He has been famous for talking down US investments for years. However, on January 3rd of this year, he wrote “a very personal” view of a possible near-term melt-up. Jeremy is well worth listening, especially when he changes his mind.

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Thankful Money Mindsets

Gratitude is such an empowering and satisfying emotion, it deserves more than one day on the calendar. And we have so much to be thankful for, both personally and professionally. This is especially true in the investment world. From the perspective of modern investors, here are three things that we can all be thankful for in the spirit of Thanksgiving.

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Oil and your portfolio

Some of the world’s greatest fortunes have flowed from the ground, one barrel at a time. Oil powers cars, trucks, jet engines and generators. In many ways, it has powered the entire modern economy as we know it. But will that always be the case? Or is oil on a slippery slope down the industrial food chain?

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Afraid of New Market Highs?

The stock market notched another new high this week. That’s a sentence we hear over and over. New high this week, new high this quarter, new high this year…the new high drumbeat seems to get louder and louder. Is it time to sell? Time to run? Time to invest more? What to do? Our advice: read this article before doing anything.

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More Income From Your Portfolio

Investments serve several core purposes. One of these is generating cash flow — income that can be reinvested or spent. Nice levels of income are available if you know where to look. As we rebalance to keep Osbon Capital portfolios risk constant, we are making allocation changes to increase cash flow. Here are some of the methods available to us.

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What Makes Gold A Useful Investment?

Gold is on the rise again. At $1340 per ounce, it’s up a sharp 23% from 2016 and a solid 11% since March of this year.  This has been one of many strong periods for the heavy metal over the years. Why?  Very simply, gold is a solution for many investment problems.

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What’s your TWA rating?

TWA is back. No, not the airline. This TWA is about your capacity to manage your own investments.  Do you have the time, willingness and ability to be successful? Few do. There’s a way to find out.

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4 Ways To Ease Your Investment Fears

Investors prone to worry can find plenty to be fearful about during this third week in August. Fear is a real emotion that demands attention and understanding. It does NOT require drastic investment action. Here are 4 ways you can live with your investment fears…

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Four Ways To Give Up Certainty 

In the investment industry, “certainty” is typically defined in terms of a specific guaranteed return. For instance, savings accounts and US Treasury Bills offer certain (but low) returns. T-Bills are finally paying some interest now, a whopping .98% annually. Call it one percent, or $10,000 dollars on $1 million, essentially risk-free.

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