Investment Management

Weekly Articles by Osbon Capital Management:

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What Makes Gold A Useful Investment?

Gold is on the rise again. At $1340 per ounce, it’s up a sharp 23% from 2016 and a solid 11% since March of this year.  This has been one of many strong periods for the heavy metal over the years. Why?  Very simply, gold is a solution for many investment problems.

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What’s your TWA rating?

TWA is back. No, not the airline. This TWA is about your capacity to manage your own investments.  Do you have the time, willingness and ability to be successful? Few do. There’s a way to find out.

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4 Ways To Ease Your Investment Fears

Investors prone to worry can find plenty to be fearful about during this third week in August. Fear is a real emotion that demands attention and understanding. It does NOT require drastic investment action. Here are 4 ways you can live with your investment fears…

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Four Ways To Give Up Certainty 

In the investment industry, “certainty” is typically defined in terms of a specific guaranteed return. For instance, savings accounts and US Treasury Bills offer certain (but low) returns. T-Bills are finally paying some interest now, a whopping .98% annually. Call it one percent, or $10,000 dollars on $1 million, essentially risk-free.

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Four Reasons It’s Time To Sell

We’ve noticed that some clients have two problems: significant cash balances as well as significant capital gains. Clients can sometimes be torn between investing more, or lightening up. On an investment journey, those courses of action seem small now but are crucial over the long run. Here are four reasons you might want to sell.

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Another Crisis Anniversary

It’s been one heck of a year. Almost one year ago our crisis year began. From Brexit to Trump to Brazil this past year it has been one unexpected event after another. How can a reasonable person invest through such chaos? If we look more closely, you’ll see there’s a way.

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The First 100 Days. Now What?

In one way, the United States has been a very stable place for decades. We’ve only had four Presidents in 24 years. They each got their First 100 Days. Now it’s time to focus the lens on our newest POTUS. What has he actually done, and can investors learn anything from it?

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Who Are You Investing For?

When you compare who benefits from your portfolio, how does your view of investing change? Investing for your own retirement is not the same as building a surplus that will eventually go to your kids or future grandkids. With different people in mind, you and your advisor may make different decisions about risk, reward and time horizon. Let’s look at a few different perspectives of people living in the future.

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How To Prepare For The Crash

Wait a minute. What crash?! No need for panic. I am absolutely NOT saying a crash is right around the corner. But big, scary declines are standard market events that happen, on average, about once a decade. This week is almost exactly the eighth anniversary of the end of the stock market crash of 2008-09. It’s just common sense to ask yourself from time to time how well prepared you are for the next one. Let’s take that opportunity right now and look at the bright side for some benefits.

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