Weekly Articles by Osbon Capital Management:
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3 Costly Biases and How to Beat Them
Have you ever made a big money decision that you regret? It happens to all of us. Like it or not, we come preloaded with a variety of biases, brain glitches that lead to bad decisions about money and other important issues. So how do we defend ourselves from ourselves? Start with this list of three cognitive bias traps. Once you recognize them…
What If It’s 2008 All Over Again?
What would you do now if you knew we were soon heading into a recession? Do you feel that you have the right team with the right incentives and skills to guide your portfolio (and your emotions) through the bad times? Here are some questions to ask yourself so that you can decide if you are adequately prepared. Who’s with me?…
The Best Kept Secret In Higher Education
If you or your child could get a Harvard education at 25 percent of its usual cost and with no application required, would you do it? Do you even believe it is possible? With a dismally low acceptance rate at Harvard University and tuition bills that should only be opened while sitting down, a Harvard education just doesn’t seem attainable for…
Team Osbon Results at The Wall St Decathlon 2015
This past weekend, 85 men, 9 women and 39 teams got together at DaSilva Memorial Field at St John’s University in New York for the 7th annual Wall St Decathlon. Benefiting the Memorial Sloan Kettering Pediatric Cancer Research Center, the event has raised over $6M since its debut in 2009 and raised over $1.3M this year alone. What is the Wall…
5 Reasons Hiring A Professional Takes You Further
Have you ever tried fixing something in your home and found yourself in over your head? Talk to anyone who’s ever tried to do a home construction project without help and you’ll likely hear one thing over and over, “I wish I had hired a pro.” Pros have the experience, tools, discipline and judgment to map out strategy, execution and operational details on…
Why I am relentlessly optimistic
I’d like to take you inside the mind and life of a 27 year old. Me, that is. From my perch as a partner in Osbon Capital and a proud resident of the Fort Point area in Boston the world looks bright, promising and full of opportunity. Here’s why. Things cost less People complain about high and rising real estate…
Which Rockstar Investor Are You?
Let’s try something different this week and have some fun, too. Have you ever wondered what kind of Rockstar Investor you are? Take the quiz to find out. (Disclosure: no professional investment rockstars were harmed in the making of this project). Max Osbon- mosbon@osboncapital.com
5 Ways To Tell You Are A Professional
Wealthy individuals often get there because they were successful at something other than investing. Building a business, developing real estate, perfecting a technological or medical breakthrough, taking smart chances, investing in oneself – these can create substantial financial wealth. After you have worked for your money and it’s time for your money to work for you, it’s important to ask yourself this: “how professional am…
The Power of Doubt
Doubt is a powerful tool. Although an unsettling emotion, a healthy dose can uncover dangerous illusions or costly omissions. This is especially valuable in investing where certainty is the rare exception. In fact, if you’re feeling too certain, you may have missed something important along the way. Here are five ways to use doubt to your benefit. 5 Doubts and the…