Max Osbon's Posts

Weekly Articles by Osbon Capital Management:

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The First Component of True Family Wealth

Following the popularity of last week’s article, we’re launching a four-part series and taking a deeper dive into Charlie Collier’s philosophy of true family wealth. Charlie spent 25 years advising Harvard’s largest philanthropic families. Over the next few weeks, we’ll explore each of the four wealth components in more depth. We’re starting today with the foundation of wealth, your Financial Capital. How should it fit into your family?

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The Four Components of True Family Wealth

When you think about wealth in your family, are you only thinking about financial assets? Charlie Collier says there’s much more to the story. Charlie, a former Senior Philanthropic Adviser at Harvard University for 25 years, is considered one of the world’s top experts on family wealth. Based on his extensive experience at one of the largest philanthropic organizations in the world, second only to the Vatican, he says it’s important to think past money when considering wealth.

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Better Reporting: See Your Finances In A Whole New Light

There’s a big difference between data and insight. The financial world has been great at generating the former, but notably weak at taking the next step by creating insights. At Osbon Capital, we see that as a major shortfall and have invested heavily in reporting capabilities that let you take control of your financial information. With our industrial strength financial portal, our clients have all the information they need to understand where they are and how to reach their goals. Here’s the latest in technology.

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To Choose Or Not To Choose

Do you have a big decision that you’ve been putting off? You’re not alone. Many investors want to choose between options A, B and C, but end up choosing D, as in Do Nothing. Inertia can be a big roadblock to creating a portfolio and financial plan that match your needs. Here are a few situations we run into with clients that may help you extricate yourself from inertia’s sticky grip.

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What’s My Investment Timeline?

Investing can be broken into three primary colors: rewards, risk and time. The connection between risk and reward is well known, but today we’re going to focus on the third component, time. Time has a big impact on what you can expect of your investments – probably more than you think. Let’s take a look at a series of investment timelines and what you can expect from each.

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Be Skeptical Of These Popular Investment Phrases

This week we are happy to offer you a healthy dose of skepticism. We see product pitches, commercials, term sheets that friends, prospects and clients send to us, and all kinds of twists on the same investment pitches. Some of these advertisements have some value; most are just storytelling. Here are some buzz words to watch out for.

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Five Measures Of Investment Me

We often talk about treating your personal investments the way you would run a business. Knowing your cash flows, profits and losses, and balance sheet keeps Investment Me on track to hit the goals. If that sounds daunting, know that software makes this easier than ever. Once you have this set up (email me to find out how to do this) here are the 5 key metrics you can monitor monthly, quarterly or annually to make sure you investments match your goals.

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Election Uncertainty: What’s It Mean For Me?

On Tuesday, November 8th we’ll finally know who the 45th President of the United States will be. What a campaign rollercoaster it’s been. It’s been so contentious and unpredictable, many investors are wondering what it means for their financial futures. Here are some things to consider as the last 40 days of the campaign unfold.

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My 8 Step Financial Routine

We all want to be responsible and efficient when it comes to finances. But how? Where should you start and what should be done? Instead of starting from scratch, I recommend you follow an easy routine. Take the 8 small steps below each month. They won’t take you more than 10-30 minutes and will pay dividends well into the future.

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