Weekly Articles by Osbon Capital Management:
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2018 Reasons To Be Thankful
Now is the time of year when we get a chance to step back and reflect on the ways we are grateful. Gratitude lifts, heals, comforts and puts things in perspective. In the spirit of Thanksgiving, here are two simple reasons to be thankful in 2018.
USA Facts
If you ever need a comprehensive breakdown of the United States by the numbers, USA facts has everything you could need and more. A non-partisan, not-for-profit civic initiative, this site compiles publicly available data to help inform the debate. If you need some quantitative data to back up your turkey day argument, look no further.
Choreographic Objects
The ICA presents the first comprehensive American exhibition of performative objects, video installations, and interactive sculptures of the internationally celebrated choreographer William Forsythe. Blurring the lines between performance and sculpture, his pieces invite the viewer to engage with choreography in a novel way. The exhibit is on display until February 21.
Whaling in Oklahoma
With a New England spin on Japanese food, the recently opened restaurant “Whaling in Oklahoma” is drawing crowds and raising eyebrows. Chef-owner Tim Maslow, a Momofuku alum, is combining local ingredients with Japanese sensibilities and flavors at his newest Southend endeavor. Be sure to reserve your table well in advance, weekend nights fill up quickly.
Refine and Focus
Spotlight on our friends: Refine + Focus is a Boston based marketing and growth consulting firm. They routinely work with the Fortune 500 and are best known for their Social and Digital marketing. They are also the hosts of Curiouser and Curiouser, a quarterly innovation showcase that brings together a community of leaders, investors, and creators to share the things that…
8th Annual Canine Promenade
Looking for a family-friendly Halloween event this weekend? This Saturday, on October 27 at the Charles River Esplanade, hundreds of costumed pups and their owners will participate in the 8th Annual Canine Promenade. The half-mile Halloween costume parade is free for spectators and $20 if you want to register your pup and participate. Every registered furry friend will receive a goodie bag and be eligible for various prizes.
How We Approach Investing In Start Ups
Osbon Capital manages client investments like a college endowment would be managed: with capital preservation, growth and longevity as the primary goals. Nearly all of our investments are in highly liquid major publicly listed securities because they fit well with these client goals. However, from time to time unique direct investment opportunities can arise, and when they do, they can represent a good opportunity for a client to step outside of their traditional allocation. Here’s how we look at special situation investments:
St. Francis House
Located in the heart of downtown Boston, The St. Francis House is a nonprofit organization and the largest “Day Shelter” in Massachusetts. The St. Francis House serves on average, 500 poor and homeless men and women a day, 365 days a year. Take a look at their website to learn more about their upcoming Gala on October 24th at the Fairmont Copley…
Art in the Seaport
The Spanish contemporary artist Okuda San Miguel has arrived in the Seaport. With seven bright, lively sculptures lining Seaport Boulevard, Okuda displays a modern view of ancient myths. The sculptures portray the development of the natural world and how humans have affected it. Be sure to take a mid-day stroll to catch the pieces.