Weekly Articles by Osbon Capital Management:
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I get more questions about bitcoin and cryptocurrencies than any other finance topic. Everyone wants to know what to do with crypto. What’s your angle, how much is your allocation and which crypto is the most compelling? Here are some facts to help guide you:
You Can Beat the Equifax Breach
Last Thursday’s announcement of the Equifax breach was a monumental moment for personal financial security. Nearly 44% of Americans had their social security numbers exposed by hackers. Here’s what you can do about it.
What is the Penalty Economy?
The penalty economy’s objective is to guide people into paying more than they intend when they are confused, distracted or too busy to care. It’s not necessarily illegal or even unethical. Have you been spending money in the penalty economy?
What are Anti-Goals?
Charlie Munger, Warren Buffet’s longtime business partner, has said, “A lot of success in life comes from knowing what you want to avoid: early death, bad marriage, etc.” Charlie was talking about a problem solving technique called “inversion.” We use the term “anti-goals.” Either way, focusing on what you want to avoid is a very powerful tool.
A Peek at the Future
I spent the weekend at an invite-only financial regulation round table hosted by Jo Ann Barefoot, senior fellow at Harvard and a veteran of the financial regulation world. Jo Ann founded the Barefoot Innovation Group. Over the course of the weekend we discussed the symbiosis (interaction) of the old guard and the new in banking, lending, asset management and regtech (regulation technology). Here is what we learned.
5 Summer Investment Goals For Your Kids
Given that the first official day of Summer was yesterday, June 21st, we thought it would be appropriate to suggest a handful of financial and investment goals for your family to explore over the next thirteen weeks. We’re all busy, so I selected these because they’re short, sweet and effective. See if you can manage to tackle all five before September 22nd.
Four Reasons It’s Time To Sell
We’ve noticed that some clients have two problems: significant cash balances as well as significant capital gains. Clients can sometimes be torn between investing more, or lightening up. On an investment journey, those courses of action seem small now but are crucial over the long run. Here are four reasons you might want to sell.
The D10: Ten events. Infinite challenge.
Our favorite event of the year has a new name for 2017 – The D10 – but the big idea hasn’t changed. Each summer we run, jump, throw, lift and more, all for charity. The competition is fast approaching in July. We’re excited, working hard to get ready, and raising money for Dana Farber too.
Three Budget Habits of the Truly Wealthy
Budgeting is like dieting, when it’s too strict it quickly falls apart. Fortunately there are simple ways to get around the challenges linked to budget discipline. Lead by example and teach your family members to follow these habits and you’ll ensure their financial stability in any environment. Here are three tried and tested habits: