Max Osbon's Posts

Weekly Articles by Osbon Capital Management:

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St. Francis House

Located in the heart of downtown Boston, The St. Francis House is a nonprofit organization and the largest “Day Shelter” in Massachusetts. The St. Francis House serves on average, 500 poor and homeless men and women a day, 365 days a year. Take a look at their website to learn more about their upcoming Gala on October 24th at the Fairmont Copley…

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Art in the Seaport

The Spanish contemporary artist Okuda San Miguel has arrived in the Seaport. With seven bright, lively sculptures lining Seaport Boulevard, Okuda displays a modern view of ancient myths. The sculptures portray the development of the natural world and how humans have affected it. Be sure to take a mid-day stroll to catch the pieces.   

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The Redcoats Are Coming

In October 1768, the British government sent troops to Boston to help quell the civil unrest that started after the passage of the Townshend Acts. And the rest… is history. 250 years later, The Massachusetts Historical Society will be reenacting some of the pivotal moments that started the revolutionary war. This Saturday, October 6th, witness the arrival of the Redcoats…

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Jazz and Sculpture

Jason Moran’s new self-titled exhibit at the ICA combines music composition with sculpture and stage design. The entire showcase is based on one of the essential components of jazz, the “Set,” where musicians come together to improvise and create with one another. The variety of pieces are based on famous international music venues and will be on display until the…

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6 Easy Steps for Investing With Your Kids

It’s never too early to start educating your children on investing. From their younger vantage point, kids have their own set of investment advantages. This week’s article lays out an easy hands-on process to get kids thinking about investing (versus spending) and help them prepare for the day when they manage their own finances. Here’s how you can start:

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The Starr Forum

Now that school is back in session, you may want to take advantage of the intellectual capital available in Boston. Sponsored by the Starr Foundation, the CIS Starr Forum brings academics, public intellectuals and policymakers to the MIT campus for public discussion and lecture.

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Hamilton in Boston

You may have heard that the national tour for Lin-Manuel Miranda’s Tony award-winning musical is about to start it’s two month run at the Boston Opera House. The show has mostly sold out, however, there’s still a chance to secure your spot. Broadway in Boston recently announced that they are raffling off 40 tickets priced at only $10 to every performance.

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Exercise in Relaxation

September is National Yoga Month. Whether you’re a seasoned yogi, or completely inexperienced, New England has something to offer you this month. Check out the sprawling resort of “Kripalu Center for Yoga and Health.” Located in Stockbridge at the base of the Berkshires, the 150-acre compound is nationally regarded as one of the best yoga retreat destinations for practitioners of all skill levels. 

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Peak Passive? Not so fast.

The FT ran a story this week asking if we’ve hit “peak passive.” Similar to peak oil, peak “X” refers to an asset class hitting a sort of critical mass or market saturation. It also vaguely implies that there is no more room to grow and down is the only direction possible. With millions of investors relying on portfolios of passive index ETFs, this could be a mass catastrophe in the making. Or is it? Let’s take an objective look at the perils and possibilities of passive.

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