Osbon Capital hires Resonance Insights

May 14, 2014 (3 mins to read)

Here at Osbon Capital, we believe everything in the world can and will be made better.  That’s why we hired Resonance Insights to help make Osbon Capital a better place for clients and a more attractive option for investors who have not yet become clients. Here’s what we’re doing.

Always ready to learn
What do people really think?  What are our clients’ unspoken needs?  What can we learn from investors about what they value and expect from their advisors?  These are a few of the questions Resonance Insights will be asking clients and potential clients.resonanceinsightslogo

Steve Gang and his Resonance Insights team are pedigreed experts in research and consulting.  As they say, By applying more than two decades of learning about the critical role emotions and motivations play in behavior, our Resonance interview methodology emulates the real way people think and make decisions. Their findings will guide our efforts and energies going forward.

We can hardly wait
Resonance has already begun our project, expecting to complete it in 90 days.  We look forward to learning from their findings and implementing their suggestions to increase our emotional connection to clients, and to provide more meaningful and valuable service.

You can watch our progress if you’d like to see what we are doing:

We thank Steve and his team, and all who participate in this survey project for helping Osbon Capital reach its full potential.

John Osbonjosbon@osboncapital.com



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